All doctors are vocationally registered meaning they are committed to continuing medical education.


In order to remain safe, we continue with infection control precautions, including the wearing of face masks for all symptomatic patients.

Telehealth consultation appointments are limited to 10 minutes duration. 

Bulk billing is available for concession card holders. 

Medicare only provide a rebate for telehealth consultations if you have been seen for a face-to-face appointment at the surgery in the last 12 months. You may wish to pay in full for an appointment if you do not meet this criteria and wish a telehealth appointment.

Please use the link in the Resources section of our website to find out more information about self management in the event you contract COVID

Piccadilly Surgery was opened in 1990 by Dr Mark Crawford. Since then, together with his colleagues, he has worked hard to develop a high quality medical practice.

Piccadilly Surgery is certified by Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL). This accreditation assures you of the highest standard of medical care.

At the Piccadilly Surgery we provide you with a caring and supportive environment where the health of you and your family is our primary concern. We aim to provide a health service that surpasses the standards set by the industry

Contact Us

169 Piccadilly Rd, Piccadilly SA 5151
Postal: PO Box 194, Crafers  SA 5152

Opening Hours

Our Services

The clinic provides a comprehensive general practice service with the associated responsibility to develop an appropriate management plan for any problem you present to us. Our services include:

Our News

Corona Virus

Coronavirus advice – current as of 31 March 2022 Symptoms may include cough, trouble breathing, fatigue, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhoea or fever.

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